Need Deep Cleaning in Houston, Texas?

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Woman grimacing with hands on face after dental dep cleaning

Table of Contents

What Is Deep Cleaning?

Deep cleaning is distinct from regular cleaning. This particular procedure is subgingival. It performs this function to effectively clean areas such as the tooth roots and periodontal pockets that are difficult to access. Tartar can accumulate on the exterior and roots of teeth. If proper oral hygiene is not maintained to remove tartar, it may result in severe bacterial infections.

Dentists remove this material with extensive cleaning. They’ll also use an ultrasonic instrument if scraping off the tartar by hand isn’t successful. The main distinction between a thorough clean and a routine cleaning is this. Tartar removal can occasionally be a difficult operation.

Due to the nature of the procedure, it may require multiple appointments and extended periods to be completed. Ultimately, the case’s severity and tooth sensitivity level will determine the best course of action. Although it may seem daunting, deep cleaning is a crucial aspect of combating harmful infections. If you don’t maintain proper oral hygiene, the condition may deteriorate and necessitate a root canal procedure.

A dentist performing a dental deep cleaning on a woman, ensuring her teeth are thoroughly cleaned and maintained
Benefits of Dental Deep Cleaning
Woman receiving dental deep cleaning from dentist

How Will I Know If I Need Deep Cleaning?

Not every patient needs a deep cleaning. A deep cleaning technique could be necessary to save teeth and halt the illness’s progression if a patient has gingivitis, the early stage of periodontal disease, or an advanced stage of the condition.

During your routine dental examination, a periodontist can assess the presence of any gum pockets by utilizing a probe. Dentist may also use X-rays to evaluate the density of the bones. If the periodontal pockets exceed the limit of what can be addressed with routine oral hygiene practices, a periodontal scaling and root planning procedure is necessary to eliminate the infection and facilitate the healing process. Based on your description, it is possible that you may require localized or generalized planning and scaling procedures.

Because gum disease doesn’t always hurt or have obvious signs, it can be hard to tell when you need a deep cleaning in Houston. But there are some signs of being careful of, such as:

Having Bad Taste Or Bad Breath All The Time

Having bad taste or bad breath all the time

Teeth That Are Loose Or Coming Apart

Teeth that are loose or coming apart

Gums Pulling Away From Your Teethv

Gums pulling away from your teeth

Gums That Bleed Easily

Gums that bleed easily


Red, swollen, or painful gums

Deep Teeth Cleaning Process

Deep teeth cleaning by a dentist has two parts: scaling of the gums or periodontal scaling and root planning.

Dentists can use manual scaling tools, electric or ultrasonic instruments, or a mix of the two to accomplish both phases of deep tooth cleaning.

Most of the time, deep teeth cleaning takes two separate visits. The first visit is for scaling the teeth, and the second visit is for root planning.

During the scaling step, all of the plaque and tartar from below the gum line is taken off.

The next step is deep cleaning, which uses an instrument to clean and smooth the tooth’s root. This helps the gums reattach to the tooth and reduces the pocket size or space that can trap unhealthy buildup.

The dentist will use a scaling instrument to remove plaque, tartar, and other buildups from the roots of your teeth during deep cleaning, which is the second part of the deep teeth cleaning procedure.

This makes the root smoother, lets it connect again with the gums, and makes the space between the teeth and gums smaller.

Deep teeth cleaning treats gum diseases like gingivitis and prevent them from getting worse and needing surgery or other more extensive procedures.

A woman in a dental chair holding up two hearts after a dental deep cleaning procedure

One of the Best Deep Cleaning in Houston, Texas

Talk to a friendly staff member today if you think you might have gum disease in Houston, Texas and want to learn more about how deep teeth cleaning can help. You can make an appointment by calling 713-766-1122 or on our website.
Deep Cleaning
Tips to prevent deep cleaning
woman showing her perfect smile after dental deep cleaning

Does the Deep Cleaning Process Hurt at Zara Dental?

Typically, the discomfort associated with the treatment is tolerable. However, individuals with particularly deep periodontal pockets may experience more discomfort than those with shallower pockets. Similarly, individuals experiencing tooth sensitivity may experience significant discomfort. Therefore, a dentist will use local anesthesia when necessary. However, this will only alleviate the discomfort in the gum area.

The Importance of Deep Cleaning Your Teeth

Performing a deep cleaning procedure on your teeth involves an additional step beyond regular cleaning. During most dental cleanings, we typically remove plaque solely from the surface of your teeth. On the other hand, deep cleaning removes plaque and tartar from the teeth and roots down to the gum line. This will enhance the opportunity for your gums to reattach to your teeth and prevent the entry of bacteria and plaque.

Benefits of Deep Teeth Cleaning in Houston, Texas

Prevents Gum Disease

Deep cleaning helps to remove tartar and plaque buildup from the teeth and gums, preventing gum disease and reducing the risk of tooth loss.

Fresh Breath
Fresh Breath

Deep teeth cleaning removes the bad bacteria and food particles that may cause bad breath; therefore your mouth will feel clean and fresh.

Brighter Smile
Brighter Smile

Removing surface stains and discoloration during deep teeth cleaning can help improve your teeth' appearance, resulting in a brighter, whiter and more beautiful smile.

Healthier Body
Healthier Body

Poor oral hygiene can cause serious health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Deep cleaning reduces the risk of these conditions by removing bacteria from your mouth.

Early Detection
Early Detection

During deep teeth cleaning, your dentist can detect and treat any dental issues in their early stages, preventing them from becoming more severe problems later on.

Saves Money
Saves Money

By preventing the need for more invasive and costly dental procedures in the future, deep teeth cleaning can save you money in the long run.

Longer-Lasting Dental Work
Longer-Lasting Dental Work

Deep teeth cleaning can help to prolong the life of dental work such as fillings, crowns, and implants by reducing the buildup of harmful bacteria around them.

Improved Overall Health
Improved Overall Health

By promoting good oral hygiene and reducing the risk of serious health conditions, deep teeth cleaning can contribute to your overall health and well-being.

Woman pointing at camera with a beautiful smile after deep cleaning

How to Prevent Gum Disease

Gum disease is a common oral health issue that can lead to serious problems if left untreated. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to prevent gum disease. Here are some tips:

  1. Practice Good Oral Hygiene – Brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes and floss daily to remove plaque and food particles from your teeth and gums.
  2. Use Mouthwash – Use an antimicrobial mouthwash to kill bacteria that may cause gum disease.
  3. Quit Smoking – Smoking is a significant risk factor for gum disease, so quitting smoking can help reduce your risk.
  4. Limit Alcohol Consumption – Heavy alcohol consumption can increase your risk of developing gum disease, so limit your alcohol intake.
  5. Eat a Healthy Diet – A healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help strengthen your immune system and reduce your risk of gum disease.
  6. Manage Stress – Stress can weaken your immune system and increase your risk of developing gum disease, so try to manage your stress levels.
  7. Visit Your Dentist Regularly – Regular dental check-ups and cleanings can help detect and treat gum disease early on before it progresses.

We Accept Most Insurance Companies

We will be glad to file a predetermination for you to verify coverage of any necessary dental treatment. And we accept most PPO insurances.