How to Fix the Gap between Your Teeth Using Invisalign

Invisalign for the Gap between Teeth in Houston, Texas

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Teething in humans is an interesting process, with its steps and phases. From newborns growing their milk teeth to shedding them and growing a permanent set of teeth, this important journey suffers its share of interruptions and setbacks. Most teens and young adults may notice irregular patterns in their set of permanent teeth that require correcting. Upper-bites, Under-bites, cross-bites, crooked teeth, and gap between teeth are examples of dental conditions that are so conspicuous, affecting one’s social life. To retain patient’s confidence and self-worth, orthodontists recommend several interventions, one of them being Invisalign orthodontic treatment.

One of the most advanced and recent remedies for the gap between teeth in the 21st century is Invisalign. Its use started in the year 2000. Invisalign is an efficient way to align your teeth comfortably and predictably until your golden smile is achieved. Invisalign aligners are made of BPA-free clear or translucent plastic form of dental aligners. They are used to straighten crooked teeth, improving the aesthetics of patients’ smiles and faces. Invisalign aligners straighten upper and lower jaws and are at the forefront of cosmetic dentistry technology.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Invisalign for the Gap between Teeth?

The use of Invisalign orthodontic treatment has many advantages, including;

  • Customized fit-because the trays are created using digital imaging, Invisalign clear tray wearers experience comfort knowing they are getting precise treatment for their needs.
  • They are removable- this is such a good thing with Invisalign trays when compared to traditional ones that are wired and glued onto teeth.
  • Invisalign trays do not interfere with your brushing and flossing routines, as you just take them off beforehand.
  • Invisalign users need not worry about food particles being stuck in their teeth, as normal teeth cleaning still takes place.
  • The chances of discomfort or injuries are minimized, as the trays are custom –made to fit every individual wearer.
  • Invisalign trays are discreet and comfortable, improving the wearer’s sense of self and aesthetic value.
  • Invisalign wearers are able to eat any foods they like, as they just need to remove the trays before meals.
  • They are easy to clean and maintain. Brushing them with your toothbrush and clean water is all it takes to keep them in their most functional state.
  • Because Invisalign trays need to be checked by your orthodontist once every six weeks, you save time that would otherwise be used with other teeth straightening options.
  • The competitive prices of acquiring Invisalign trays is another benefit. They compare well with other teeth-straightening options.
  • It takes a shorter time to achieve results when using Invisalign! Thus beautiful, straight teeth in no time at all.
  • People wearing these aligners are not limited to playing sports that they love, since they just need to remove the aligners and enjoy their playtime.

How Does Invisalign Fix The Gaps Between Teeth?

Gaps between teeth (medically called a diastema). Diastema may allow the gaps in your teeth to trap food particles, or expose the gum to soreness or tenderness. What’s more, gaps between teeth can pave the way for gum disease.
Gaps in teeth can be caused by a number of reasons, including the size of the jawbone and the size of teeth, an inherited condition. An overgrowth of tissue between upper front teeth and gum line could also result in gaps in teeth. Certain behaviors, such as thumb sucking, could also alter the direction and growth of teeth, resulting in a diastema.
People with a gap in teeth may, in addition to being predisposed to gum disease, suffer low self-esteem, and have a strained social life. It is very important to fix your gap between teeth as it promotes your aesthetic value. Orthodontics at Zara Dental, Houston, Texas, recommends Invisalign clear trays.
These clear aligners will, over time, gently align teeth into their proper position. This is because the initial digital imaging gives a 3D representation of your teeth and computer-generated projections of how your teeth should grow in perfect alignment. The alignment happens subtly and surely, restoring one’s confident smile.
At the orthodontics, you could get different Invisalign trays to use over the period meant to fix you gap between teeth. Each tray should be used for at most two weeks, after which you replace it with the next one. This way, your teeth are gently re-aligned.
It will take you to wear your Invisalign aligners for at least 20 hours each day. This requires you to have them on when going to bed. To fix you gap between teeth, an average of 14 months wearing your Invisalign trays.

Gap between Teeth in Houston, Texas

Invisalign vs Traditional Teeth Aligners

While traditional aligners and Invisalign trays serve a similar function of aligning teeth, one needs to weigh their options to make sure they choose right.
Here is how the two compare:

  • Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing the user to ‘breathe’ and be efficient in cleaning the mouth and the trays. Traditional types can not be removed, and may sometimes prove hard to clean leading to plaque build-up.
  • The aligners have a more natural look that enhances the wearer’s aesthetics and esteem. Traditional ones are conspicuous and tend to draw much more attention which sometimes causes negative self-consciousness.
  • Invisalign is more comfortable to wear because the 3D imaging allows a very customized fit. Traditional aligners, on the other hand, aren’t as versatile and might be a little uncomfortable for the wearer.
  • Traditional braces need wires and adhesives to install. Invisalign trays, on the other hand, are simple and easy to wear and take off.
  • With Invisalign, you are able to eat all types of food as you remove them before meals. Traditional aligners are a bit limiting as they can be destroyed or moved by hard foods.
  • It is very easy to maintain Invisalign trays because you take them off in order to clean them. Brushing and flossing your natural teeth are not affected. With the traditional aligners, there are many changes in maintaining your oral hygiene, sometimes proving quite hard to achieve.
  • Visits to the orthodontics are reduced for Invisalign wearers compared to the regular checkups associated with traditional options of teeth aligning.
  • The cost of acquiring Invisalign aligners is not high, contrary to what many people might think. In fact, it is roughly the same as the cost of traditional options. See Also: How Much to Pay For Invisalign

Are There Other Alternatives To Align Teeth?

There are several other methods to fix you gap between teeth, chipped teeth, or gaps in teeth. We have looked at the two most popular ones in Houston, Texas, Invisalign, and traditional aligners. These may not be ideal for everyone, as all patients have different dental needs and preferences.
Let us look at the other available methods today:


Retainers are most commonly used after the use of traditional aligners. They ensure the correct position of your teeth, fitting over the entire mouth’s arch. For patients needing just light alignment of teeth, retainers come in handy.
Retainers are affordable and easier to wear than traditional braces. It is worth noting that permanent retainers tend to attract a lot of bacteria, so they require a very consistent and thorough cleaning routine.

Ceramic Aligners

Ceramic aligners are also called clear braces. They make a great alternative to traditional metal aligners as they are less conspicuous and easier to blend.
They are less prone to staining and will not affect your speech. Because they are not removable, you can be sure they will work effectively.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are made from teeth-like materials that cover the front part of your teeth. They improve the aesthetic value of your face and smile. These shell-like covers are placed on the front surface of the teeth.
Veneers are used to correct chipped, discolored, and worn down teeth. While their cosmetic appeal is quite high, they come in handy for most people needing a solution to a dental problem.

Incognito Hidden Aligners

These teeth-aligners are installed on the backside of the teeth, making them incognito, as the name suggests. They serve the same function as other trays; only they are not visible.
One downside of this type of teeth aligners is that they can be very hard to clean.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is used to mostly correct shaping and spacing of teeth. In this method, a resin material is used to fill in the spaces. The bonding will harden over time, and fix you gap between teeth and offering a very durable solution to these dental problems.

Accelerated Orthodontics

This method is all about weakening the bone. The teeth then become pliable, and teeth remodeling is achievable.
This method involves the combined use of retainers or clear aligners, thus eliminating the need to use traditional metallic braces.

Where To Go In Houston, Texas, to Fix the Gap between Teeth?

Dental problems like how to fix your gap between teeth in this day and age is no longer a nightmare; neither do you need to be confined to traditional options only.
At Zara Dental, our well experienced orthodontics use the latest technology to ensure your overall dental care is achieved. For all your dental care needs in Houston, Texas, rest assured on our professional expertise.
We are a call away, seven days a week. Our physical address is 6295 Bissonnet St Houston, Texas.

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